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Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialist Workouts

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MissionSpecialist Beginner Abs

Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialist Beginner Abs Workout: Program Breakdown

Do each of the following exercises for 1 minute w/ 30 second rest in between.

1. Transformer Chop-Transformer only: Lie Supine across the length of the transformer w/ lower back snug. Take arms up overhead then roll up until you are into a seated position with arms pointing forward. Modification (Easier): Small Crunch with arms extended in front of torso Modification (Harder): Alternate raising straight legs as you roll up.

2. Reach for the sky- Transformer and bands: Lie supine on transformer w/ torso supported on the length of it from glutes to head. The bands should be secured under the base of the transformer. Do a cross crunch, from side to side, reaching the handles up and across the body. then return to starting position. Modification (easier): Do the same movement w/o the bands. Modification (harder): Come up higher, almost into a seated position.

3. Crunching Roll (aka "Knee Tuck" M. Verstegen)-Transformer only: Start in a prone position w/ feet and shins on the ball, hands the top of a push-up position. Flex the hips, rolling the ball in towards the torso and then back to the starting position.

4. Pass the Buck-Transformer only: Sit on the floor, on a folded towel w/ legs bent, heels on the ground w/ feet dorsiflexed. Hold transformer lengthwise overhead. Pass the transformer from side to side (your knees will fall to the opposite side as the transformer. Modification (easier): Do same movement w/o the transformer.

5. Rise and Shine-Bodyweight only (except for harder modification): Lie supine w/ legs bent, arms overhead. Sweep arms down, around and up overhead as you raise the torso up to a seated position, then reverse the hands and lower body to start position. Modification (easier): Basic crunch. Modification (Harder): Hold transformer (the long portion side to side). Start w/ transformer overhead, bring it forward as you crunch torso upward, then bring it overhead as you reach the fully upright position. Reverse everything as you return to the start position.

6. Dead Bug Crunch-Transformer only: From supine position with arms overhead, place transformer between feet-shins w/ legs straight up to ceiling. Bring arms and torso forward as you hike the hips upward, reaching towards the transformer with your hands, then return to start position. Modification: crunch from "dead bugs" position (legs bent in table position) bringing torso and knees towards each other

7. Bicycle Abs-Bodyweight only: Lie supine with shoulder blades off the mat (hands behind head) and alternate bringing knees towards torso. Bring belly button to spine. Modification (easier): Place hands under hips Modification (harder): bring opposite elbow to knee.

8. Coffee Table: Forearms plank w/ hands clasped. Modification(easier): Knees on mat. Modification (harder): Alternate lifting legs off of the mat.

Cool Down: Clasp arms overhead/bend side to side/ Clasp hands in front of body/Clasp hands behind body.

Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialist Advanced Abs Workout: Program Breakdown

Do each of the following exercises for 1 minute w/ 30 second rest in between.

Note: this program only uses the transformer.

1. Jack Knife:Lie supine with lower back against transformer (perpendicular to transformer). Wedge the left elbow firmly into the transformer, the right leg is bent and firmly into the floor for support. Bring the right arm to the left shin.

2. Russian Twist:Lie supine on transformer w/ torso supported on the length of it from glutes to head (though head is lifted off the transformer. Arms should be extended straight out in front of your chest with the palms together. Rotate from side to side allowing the transformer to roll under you.

3. Plank Pump: Prone position. Place elbows in plank position on top of transformer. Roll the transformer slightly back and forth.

4. Twisted Jackhammer: V-Sit on the floor, on a folded towel w/ legs bent. Hold transformer lengthwise over your head. Bring the transformer side to side. As the transformer comes to the side extend your legs straight outward tapping the ground with your heels. Bring the transformer back to the center as you bring your heels back inward. Then repeat the movement to the opposite side etc.

5. Bottoms Up: Lie supine w/transformer held between feet, hands under hips w/ palms down. Bring the transformer in and crunch the hips upward off the floor.

6. Officer and a Gentleman: Lie supine, head on the floor. Hold the transformer width-wise above chest. Alternate slowly fluttering the legs (holding each position for a moment) with a large range of motion.

7. Ball Transfers: Lie supine with transformer held over head (lengthwise). Bring hands and feet towards each other as you pass the transformer from the hands to feet and then back again..

8. Bike Pass: Lie supine, head on the floor, holding the transformer lengthwise. Rotate the transformer from side to side at the same time doing a bicycle motion with the legs. The transformer should always be on the side of the knee-hip that is flexed inward.

Cool Down: Clasp arms overhead/bend side to side/ /Clasp hands behind body/ Clasp hands in front of body/Sweep arms overhead.

Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialist Beginner Upper Body Workout: Program Breakdown

Do each of the following exercises for 1 minute w/ 30 second rest in between.

1. Chest Fly-Transformer and Bands: Place bands under transformer. Lie supine on transformer (supported from butt to head), with hips extended upwards. Do a chest fly from this position.

2. Rower-Transformer and Bands: Sit upright (perpendicular to transformer) w/ bands wrapped around feet which are extended forward with feet dorsiflexed (pointing upwards). Row inward to the sides of your waist.

3. Sky Punch-Bands only-Bands only: From split stance position, place band under front foot. Alternate overhead shoulder presses w/ palms facing forward. Modification: Press both hands up at the same time (bilateral)

4. Prison Row-Bands only: From split stance position, place band under front foot. Cross handles and with torso bent forward, do rear delt raises. Modification (easier): do movement w/o bands. Modification(harder): Place both feet in bands to create more tension.

5. Bicepers-Bands only: Step both feet into bands, w/ feet wider than hip width. Do biceps curls with both arms at a time. Modification (easier) place only one foot into the band. Modification (harder) Place feet wider apart in bands.

6. Wood Chop-Bands only:Place one handle in floor, both feet on band (about 4 inches from handle). Hold other handle behind head with both hands and do triceps extensions. Modification (easier): place feet right next to handle on the floor. Modification (harder). Stand in the center of the band with both feet, but use both handles to do the triceps extensions with both hands at the same time (bilateral).

7. Fly Swatter-Bands only: Stand with both feet on bands, feet slightly wider than hip width. Hands each hold a handle w/ palms facing backwards. Keeping arms straight, extend slightly behind the body.

8. Walk-Out Push Up-Transformer only: Start on knees with torso leaning against and perpendicular to transformer. Walk hands out to pushup position so that thighs are on transformer, perform a single push-up, then walk hands back to start position.

Cool Down: Clasp arms overhead/Do overhead triceps stretch with each arm/clasp hands behind back

Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialist Advanced Upper Body Workout: Program Breakdown

Do each of the following exercises for 1 minute w/ 30 second rest in between.

1. Chest Pump-Transformer and bands: Place bands under transformer . Lie supine on transformer (supported from butt to head), with hips extended upwards. Do steady chest presses with the bands from this position

2. Stretch and Flex-Transformer and bands: Sit perpendicular to the length of the transformer. Place both handles in one hand and hold the loop of the bands in the other w/ palms facing away from torso (arms are internally rotated and forearms pronated). Bring arms out to the side (horizontal abduction) and then return to the start position.

3. Military Press-Bands only: From split stance position, place band under the front foot. With handles starting at shoulder height, press upward and then lower back to start position.

4. Scissor Lifts-Bands only: Place both feet on bands w/ feet close together. Cross bands and hold handles from the top of the thighs. From this position do upright rows (hands up to shoulder height) and return to start position.

5. Bicep Curls-Bands only: Place both feet on bands, feet wider than hip width apart. Start with both arms bent at a 90 degree angle. Then while holding one arm isometrically (static hold), do fast, smooth biceps curls with theh other arm for 30 seconds, then switch arms (original working arm now holds static contraction bent at 90 degrees).

6. Dips-Transformer only: With torso perpendicular to transformer, place hands on transformer with arms fully extended and legs bent. Dip down as low as comfortable then rise back up to start position with arms fully extended.

7. Death Ups-Transformer only: With torso perpendicular to transformer, place knees in center of transformer and do continuous pushups (w/ arms wide, elbows coming out to the sides as you lower down).

8. Arm Walks-Bodyweight only: Start in elbow plank position with feet wider than hip width apart. From that position bring one arm into a push-up position, then the other so that you are up into the top of a push up. Then lower the first arm down, then the other back to the elbow plank position. After 30 seconds, switch the lead arm.

Cool Down: Overhead triceps stretch (each arm)/clasp arms in front/clasp arms behind your back.

Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialist Beginner Lower Body Workout: Program Breakdown

Do each of the following exercises for 1 minute w/ 30 second rest in between.

1. Lemon Drop (aka Split Squat)-Bands Only: Split stance position w/ band under front foot, power handles just above shoulders. Lower into a split squat w/ back knee almost touching the ground before rising up to start position. Modification (easier): Bands held by waist. Modification (harder): Bands held by ears

2. Cheap Shot-Bodyweight only: Perform a reverse lunge, then bring back leg forward into a raised knee position. Modification (easier): Just touch rear leg's foot by support leg after the rear lunge.

3. Side Kick-Transformer only: Start in a low lunge position w/ one hand on the transformer (which is on one side, lengthwise), the other hand is on the floor. Bring the back leg forward to touch the front foot then bring it back back. Do this for 30 seconds, then switch sides (you can keep the transformer on the same side). Modification (easier): Stand Transformer vertically with one hand on the top of it. Perform the reverse lunge and then bring back foot to the side of the front foot (w/ front foot on the ball of the foot in a plantarflexed position)

4. Kick Stand-Transformer only: Place transformer in vertical position to one side of the body w/ one hand on top of it for support, the other hand on the hip. Raise one leg and perform leg extensions from that position. Do for 30 seconds on one leg than the other (the transformer can remain on the same side).

5. Six Inch Heels-Transformer only: Place transformer vertically in front of the body w/ both hands on top. Bend one leg behind and perform calve raises with the other foot. Switch feet after 30 seconds. Modification (easier) Perform calve raises with both feet at the same time.

6. Twister (supported curtsey lunge)-Transformer only: Place transformer on the floor perpendicular to the body. Place hands on top of the transformer. Bring left leg behind the right (into a curtsey lunge), keeping the left hand on transformer. Then come back to center and then bring right leg behind the left keeping the right hand on the transformer. Modification (easier): Keep transformer in vertical position.

7. Tight Jeans-Transformer only: Lie on your back on the floor, with the heels on the transformer (which is perpendicular to torso) and place heels on top of the transformer. Hands are on the floor beside the body. Press upward into a hamstring press (hip extension). Modification (easier): Do the same exercise without the transformer, with feet flat on the ground.

8. Thigh Rise-Bodyweight only: Sit on ground w/ hands beside hips on the floor, legs straight out in front. Bend one of the legs slightly and then raise the bent leg up and down for 30 seconds before switching to the other side.

Cool Down: Standing calve stretch (w/ one leg forward w/ foot dorsiflexdon, other leg bent with hands on the top of the support leg thigh)/Shoulder stretch (w/ hands just above knees, rotating torso from side to side)

Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialist Advanced Lower Body Workout: Program Breakdown

Do each of the following exercises for 1 minute w/ 30 second rest in between.

1. High Roller (Squat jump w/ resistance)-Bands only: Step into power bands, wider than hip width apart. Do a small range of motion squat followed by a jump.

2. Racer Lunge (like a "knee smash")-Bodyweight only: Start in a lunge position, then hike your knee up as you bring your hands to meet your it.

3. Sex on the Beach (wide stance squat w/ feet turned out)-Bands only: Place feet on bands, much wider than hip width apart (into sort of a "Grand Plie'" Stance), w/ the power handles by shoulders.

4. 42nd Street-Transformer only: Hold transformer over head (lengthwise). Perform a side lunge, then push off the lunging foot and raise that leg slightly out to the side (into hip abduction) as you balance on the support leg.

5. Round Off (Anterior reach w/ hip extension)-Transformer: Place transformer behind you, perpendicular to the body. Place the instep (shoelaces) of one foot on the transformer. Reach downward with the same side arm as you roll the ball behind you. Let the other arm come back a bit behind you for balance. Do this for 30 seconds before switching sides.

6. Mad Horse-Bodyweight only: Start in plank position, bring one leg inward towards the chest with flexed foot (note: don't allow the back to round as your knee comes inward), then kick it out straight behind you. Do this for 30 seconds before changing sides.

7. Around the World Lunges-Transformer only: Hold transformer over head lengthwise. Lunge Forward, to the side, and back with one leg, then repeat same sequence on the other side. Continue alternating sides for one minute.

8. Mind in the Gutter-Bands only: Sit on the floor as you place the band handles around feet with the band wrapped around your back. Lie supine, hold the bands together by your belly button (to increase the resistance) and then open and close the legs. Modification (harder): Place booty bands around ankles

Cool Down: Standing calve stretch (w/ one leg forward w/ foot dorsiflexdon, other leg bent with hands on the top of the support leg thigh)/Clasp arms in front/Clasp arms behind

Instructor Review

These are detailed breakdowns of all the Mission Specialist Workouts. Barry Jay and Cindy Whitmarsh do a great job throughout the entire Series.