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Yoga For Beginners

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Reviews from VideoFitness


I had ordered this video about 2 years ago and did not like it at all. I never felt like warning others with a review until I saw another review of JJ's. She seems like a wonderful instructor, so I am tempted to order her "I'd Rather Be Doing Yoga" but this video was terrible! They shoot the angle in a room facing an entry way that looks like a kitchenette off to the side. There are cabnets & a counter from what I remember. They don't even show JJ for the first 5-10 minutes, but her class working out from the side view. Just profiles of them. Later the camera moves over to JJ, but never zooms in and she is hard to see. I'm sure the routine is good itself, but I expect more from a yoga tape: good backdrops, close ups of the instructor, good views, that sort of thing. This video looked like someone's cam-corder production during a live yoga class.

The workout sounded good to me when I bought it originally; it had 20 minutes of neck & shoulder stretches in the beginning. I couldn't get past the quality to make myself do it. I requested a refund and they gave it to me. At least they have good customer service at the