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Prevention: Dance It Off!

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Reviews from VideoFitness


I was interested in trying this workout because I really enjoy 10-Minute Solution Fat Blasting Dance Mix, also by Jennifer Galardi. What I love about that workout is that the segments are fun and easy-to-follow, yet they definitely get my heart rate up, so I was hoping for the the same here. The Main Menu of the DVD lists the following options: Warm-Up, Hip-Hop, Latin, Jazz, Ballet, Cool-Down. There is also a Bonus section that includes a recipe for a Health Boosting Smoothie, 5 Great Ab Shapers (instruction on 5 Pilates moves), and Rev Up Your Energy (tips on breath & posture).

The 5 1/2 minute Warm-Up was easy-to-follow, with moves like easy taps, V-steps, and triple steps, although it didn't really do much to raise my heart rate. The Hip Hop segment was about 11 minutes long. Of the three cardio segments, I'd rate this one as the most fun. Galardi teaches in a manner similar to how she does in the 10 Minute Solution video--i.e., she introduces a small piece of choreography, has you practice several times, and then moves on to the next piece, gradually adding on. However, there isn't too much "take it from the top," as you only repeat the entire routine a few times through at the end.

I found the choreography for the Hip Hop segment slightly tricky but doable; unfortunately, however, I struggled even more with the Latin (10.5 mins) and Jazz (10.5 mins) segments. The Jazz in particular was quite fast-paced, and eventually, I gave up on even trying to follow along. The 9-minute ballet segment was nice, with traditional ballet moves such as plies, attitudes, passe, and ronde-de-jom. However, unlike the two toning segments in 10-Minute Solution Fat Blasting Dance Mix, this section did not provide any additional aerobic benefit. Galardi ends with a 4-minute Cool-Down for a total time of 50.5 minutes.

In summary, I was somewhat disappointed by this workout. Although I thought Galardi did a good job, I found the choreography to be significant more complex than in her previous workout that I had tried. And either because I was struggling to get the moves or further other reasons, I had trouble maintaining my heart rate in my target zone. So, ultimately this workout was not a good fit for me, but it might work well for someone who is better coordinated and can more easily learn the dance moves.

Instructor Review

I really like Jennifer's teaching style and generally think she cues well. She works out here with 4 background exercisers in a brightly lit studio.


I just got this dvd in a trade. i've done it twice in the past week.

chapter segments are: Play all, Warm-up, hip-hop, latin, jazz, ballet, cool-down, bonus segments. Bonus segments feature videos of Chris Freytag: health boosting smoothie (2 min), 5 great ab shapers which is a pilates mat routine (2.5 min), & "rev up your energy" where Chris is sitting in a chair describing breathing & stretching techniques (3 min).

i've done a few other of Jenn's dance workouts - 10 Minute Solution Fat Blasting Dance Mix, Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party, Dance Off the Inches Hip Hop Party. i'm very dance challenged, and took a liking to Jenn's other dance videos because she's just the right level for me, which is challenging, funky, but not too hard. i'm trying to become a better dancer using these videos in my current rotation.

Prevention Dance It Off (PDIO) was somewhat harder because the cueing wasn't as clear as in the other videos by Jenn that i mentioned above. the Hip Hop segement in PDIO, even for my second time through, was a bit hard to follow - - - i'm getting it, though! again, the reason for that is the cueing was provided during the move or after. she repeats the moves, and by then, you know what to expect. this particular Hip Hop section has many syncopated moves. Jenn's Hip Hop sections in her other videos were easier because they flowed better and were better cued. the latin & jazz sections in PDIO were slightly easier to follow and flowed better.

the ballet section and stretch were just awesome. i don't have her newer Dancer's Body video (2009), but if it's anything like this section, i'd be interested. the placement of the ballet section in PDIO is so appropriate and well done. it's flowing, elongating, and she has excellent form.

Instructor Review

Jenn is a good dancer - she has a natural groove that i want to aspire to.

Christine S

Jennifer Galardi leads this 45 minute workout, with four other exercisers around her. The set is bright and uncluttered, with Prevention Magazine's logo on the back wall.

The sections consist of a warmup, hip hop, Latin, Jazz, Ballet, and cooldown.

The music isn't bad, but it isn't remarkable, either. I definitely recognized much of it from other workouts.

The choreography is fun, dancy and fairly easy to follow. I picked up most of it the first time through and worked up a pretty good sweat. It is mostly low impact, but there are some higher impact moves as well. There really aren't any modifications shown, except in the ballet section where two of the exercisers show easier options.

The DVD is chaptered well enough that you can skip through sections you don't like; unlike the Shape Bikini Cardio DVD, though, there is no option to choose and program which sections you'd like to do. Also, there are some bonus chapters with health tips and one for working your abs.

All in all, I really like this one. It's great for days when I just want to do something that's purely for fun.

Instructor Review

Jennifer is friendly, upbeat and motivating. There are a few places where her cueing is a bit confusing, but once I did the workout a few times I didn't really notice it.

Susan G

This is admittedly a semi-review based on doing two of the four dance segments only one time through. My level is "perennial restarter," but tending toward advanced beginner, intermediate wo's.

This DVD offers warm up and cool down, and four dance segments: hip-hop, latin, jazz and ballet (tone oriented). Jennifer Galardi instructs, though Julianne Arney has a co-choreographer credit.

The attraction of the workout is a strong fun factor if you enjoy being a living room dancer.

I found the first hip hop segment, to quote Goldilocks, just right--interesting, enough repetition and teaching I followed the steps, but creative enough I felt I was dancin'. The TIFTing (taking it from the top) was tolerable since the learning period was short.

I only previewed the Latin segment. The steps looked fun and accessible.

The jazz segment, which I did, sloppily, didn't feel as quality for me. The faster pace seemed to get ahead of Galardi's increasingly sparse cuing, leaving me confused. The moves were interesting, but I was frustrated by the rush. The instructor said "you'll get it" at least twice, making me feel she'd lost interest in cuing by that time.

I only previewed the ballet-type toning, but it looks like interesting standing leg work.

Note to the knee-troubled: this DVD has some light impact hops in the cardio and some squats beginning the ballet toning section.

In short though, if you're looking for new cool moves, fun dance and variety, you might give this a try.