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Cher Fitness: Body Confidence

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Annie S

The first section of the video is a high/low aerobic workout. The music is fantastic. The routine would be good except it is repeated way too many times. Towards the end, you're thinking, "I have to do that AGAIN?"

The second (and final) section is a toning routine using a resistance band. I thought it was pretty boring. I don't really like bands, and when I used dumbbells instead, some of the moves were awkward to do.

I kept this video for a long time, but now I've decided to put it in my Waiting for a Garage Sale pile. Although I love the music, I think there are videos that provide both better workouts and more interesting choreography. Cher's step video is much better than this one.

Karen C

There are 2 parts to the video -- a 38 minute aerobic dance and a 45 minute resistance band workout. I thought the dance part was terrible -- the instructor is a nameless girl who cues terribly and simply repeats the same moves over and over. Her attitude can best be characterized by the word "bimbo."

I'm not that crazy about the resistance band concept overall -- the only time I use one is when I'm travelling, since the band is (obviously) easy to pack. However, I did feel like something is being worked and it is fun to change from weights once in a while. The instructor for the resistance band is a much more calming, serious person who gave some pointers on form/ posture -- I liked that.

I got this tape at 1/2 price books for $3. That's about what it's worth. I'll probably do the resistance band thing again, but not often.