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iTread, Set 1, 20 minutes

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Release Year

Reviews from VideoFitness

Lisa C

Length: 25 minutes


~ Short warm-up

~ Hill Intervals - 2%, 3% - keep same pace during rests just go back to 0 incline.

~ Big Hill Intervals 7% alternate walking and running at slow pace

~ Sprints - 3 intervals of about 90 seconds with 1 minute rest

I have had this workout since iTrain first started, but I have never used it. Mostly because it is so short, and I usually like longer workouts. I’ve finally tried it years later, and I loved it. It is very short, but sweet. A nice intense little workout that will make you feel really worked out in less than 30 minutes.

I love the music in this one - it is mostly vocals, and a mixture of genres (a little hip-hop, some pop, etc.) and the music really goes well with the intervals that she has you do.

As in all iTreads, Grace offers up 3 speeds: Walking/Jogging/Running. I can’t always keep up with her “jog” paces, but I appreciate having guidelines because it gives me something to shoot for. I like heart-rate based training, like Cardio Coach workouts, but I also improve with pace based training, so this is a nice alternative to have.