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Lake Austin Resort Stretch & Relax

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Annie S

This was put out by Lake Austin Resort in Austin, Texas with a cover price of $32.50 (whew!). It’s a novice-level stretch program divided into sections for standing, lying down, and sitting stretches, plus some breathing work at the end. The instructors all work at the resort, and are all very good and precise in their instruction. The scenery is great, too. But I see this as more of a vacation souvenier rather than something I would actively go looking for to buy. The Tamilee stretch tapes are much better (and cheaper). Tamilee’s are not novice-level per se, but they can easily be toned down. I suppose if one wanted to buy this, they could contact the Lake Austin Resort at 800-847-5637. I found this at a thrift store for about $5. I wouldn’t recommend paying the $32.50 cover price - maybe $10 max. Grade A for instruction, scenery, and thoroughness of the workout. Grade C for the price!