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Star Trainers Series

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Cuddly Critter

Star Trainers is a product of Exercise TV.

The music is upbeat and appropriate.

The set is similar in all the workouts. Clean and bright. With black and white pictures of the 5 instructors way up high on the back wall.

These workouts are not space hogs. These can easily be done in apartments.


2 sets of dumbbells

Mat (optional)


Propel Water Breaks:

Each cardio workout will have a part one then they will pause to take a Propel Water Break. Use the time to drink some water or to set up for whats coming next or bathroom break. It is very short. Then you continue on to the second half and then the stretch.


5 Well known instructors.

5 Cardio workouts 30 min. each

5 Strength workouts 20 min. each

5 Ab workouts 10 min. each

Rob Glick:

Rob's "Cardio Party" Cardio workout is dancy with some fancy choreography. I would say he is the danciest and therefore more complex.

Rob's "DeFine" Strength workout has traditional strength moves along with compound. His strength workout is probably the one you will be able to up your weights in.

Rob's "ABsolutely Beautiful" abs workout is athletic and effective.

Violet Zaki:

Violet's "Cardio Kick Butt" cardio workout has the lowest intensity of all the cardios. It martial arts inspired but very low impact and slow paced. I would say this is beginner level or great for a light day.

Violet's "Strength Zone" strength workout is functional fitness inspired with lots of compound moves. She does target the whole body. This workout makes up for her very low impact cardio workout. If you like the new Firm TransFirmation workouts you will like this. Lots of compound functional fitness moves that are effective and great for those time crunched days.

Violet's "Absession" abs workout has some creative ab exercises that make the time go fast. No dread factor and effective.

Gay Gasper:

Gay's "Cardio Espresso" cardio workout is very fun and fast. She has one of her background exercisers showing modifications throughout. Gay does include some dancy moves such as cha chas and mambos but the rest is athletic. You will definitely get your heart rate up with this one. Solid intermediate but can be made advanced due to Gay's high impact moves. Gay's cuing is excellent and she is very motivating and to the point. The workout is over before you know it.

Gay's "Strength Espresso" strength workout has four limb movements and some different strength exercises mixed in. This workout also is very effective and targets total body.

Gay's "Espresso Abs" is very effective with pilates inspired moves. This workout has more pilates inspired exercises then some others.

Kimberly Spreen:

Kimberly's "Power Within" cardio workout is similar to her Cardio Camp hi-lo workout. If you liked that one you will definitely like this one. I thought she would have done some kickboxing but not in this workout. This is hi-lo athletic similar to Cardio Camp. This workout is very fun and the time goes by really fast. Kimberly as always is very motivating and cues well.

Kimberly's "Strength In Motion" strength workout is has a functional fitness feel. Effective strength training in a short amount of time, targeting all muscle groups.

Kimberly's "Core Blast" is similar to Gay's "Espresso Abs" in that both are pilates inspired with some similar moves. Of all the ab workouts in this series Gay and Kimberly have the pilates inspired moves.

Kendell Hogan:

Kendell's "Peak Performance" cardio is a very fun power packed 30 min. I found Kendell's, Gay and Kimberly's to be the most fun for me. Kendell is full of energy and you will definitely feel it by the second section after the Propel Water Break. His moves are athletic and will get your heart rate up. His cuing is excellent.

Kendell's Peack Performance Sculpt" is a compound medley of time effecient exercises targeting all muscle groups.

Kendell's "Peak Performance Abs" has some challenging core work mixed with traditional moves. Effective and to the point.

How To Use:

For those who want everything in 1Hr. You can just pick which instructor and do their entire workout Cardio-Strength-Abs.

For those that enjoy variety but still only have 1hr to workout in. You can "Custom" your workout. Picking one instructor for cardio another for strength and yet another for abs.

For those who enjoy lengthy workouts again choose "Custom" and pick as many workouts as you like.

Another option for those who enjoy the new Firm TransFirmation system. By doing one of these cardios and the strength as one workout. You will be getting a little more cardio then with the Firm. And you'll be getting functional fitness four limb sculpting moves a little more than the Firm. I say a little more because you'll be getting 30 minutes of straight cardio and 20 minutes of straight four limb functional fitness moves.

Again there are many choices for many moods. There are many options for the time crunched. And each of the five instructors have their own style.


All in all this is a great series to add to anyones collection. Wonderful instructors. Your choice to customize however you want. Much variety with this series.

Instructor Review

All of these various instructors are excellent and well known each in their own fields.